Monday, 29 August 2011

15 - 22 July below dpc bricks going down and leveling of the earth around.

Corner closest to the Garage wall side.

Brickwork to the Damp course level here.

One of many photo's of pillar's to get an idea of how we want ours to look.

 Back wall of the house, looking towards the garage.
This is how I'd like the porch and pillar to look.(The reverse way around)

Front of house with bricks ready for formations and layouts of internal solid walls.
Nature reserve next door all back to normal, we even managed to save the Teesle, see
next photograph.
The teesle's

M&B arrive to flatten and level the plot around the foundations.

Another wet day for them.

All leveled and ready for building the block.

Another shot of the front.

Down the back of the house where all the drainage lies.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

14th July Bricky Phil Davies arrives to begin brickwork

 Setting out the bricks on the slab
 From the far side of the site
 First bricks built on the below damp course level of the slab.
2 sides of staffordshire blues built.

Friday, 5 August 2011

12th July 2011 / 155th Jubilee Day. M&B contractors on site./ 13th July 2011 Setting out.

Mike and team here to finish the drainage on site.
Poly Crate Soak away goes in.

Mains electric casing goes in and runs around to the back of the house.

Ground re-flattened and looks like it did before they started

Rain water drain from the roof.

Drains and Elecric casing visable. All drain pipes now taped up to prevent debris build-up from the build

Staffordshire blues, Sand and cement arrive to begin build. For the 6 courses delow DPC level. (Damp Proof Course)

Phil Davies arrives (Bricklayer) and begins set out of the site for building to begin tomorrow.  

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Monday 11th July 2011

1st channel dug for drainage field from treatment plant. Which took quite some time as the digger got sick, had to be removed from site and a replacement brought in.
Never the less Mike and his cheerful team made the best of a less than ideal start for them
and still manged to complete this job in 1 day.

From the treatment plant via the trap to the drainage field.

 Better overall view of treatment plant tank lid and pipe leading to clean water run off.
Steven carrying one of the eco crates!!! Althiugh it could have been anyone, I only recognise the clothes.

Good view to what will be our garden and the Nature Reserve next door to us

Steven making another trip for another Polycrate.

Must have been hot by now as Rob has his shirt off. 
Mike on site.
Steven with another polycrate.
Some "Buckley Brick and Dirt Art" By Max Age 10
Bill on the digger.
Rob on 'crates'
Rob and Mike laying out the 'Geo-Membrane' to wrap the Poly crates in.
!st Poly Crate going in, joined via drainage pipe to the treatment plant outlet.
Wrapping the crates. Steven getting involved.
And again.
Good tape work Steven.
Another full on day on our build.

7th and 8th July 2011 - External drainage pipes are fitted and the Treatment plant is sited.

 Arriving early in the morning 8am start. Straight out on the dig.
 One wet looking day to be digging for drainage!! Yet our men still look happy.
 The straight run through from the end of the building to the Treatment plant tank.
 The drainage run from the back door to the tank at the end of the garden.
Three different drains collectively coming together to this one chamber.This will be located just outside the back door.

Steven had to get into the dug- out hole and rescue 10 frogs. So funny seeing him trying to get them into a bucket and as fast as he could put them in they were leaping back out!!!

Big day and the weather well, not all that good and it got worse before getting better.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Barry in with the tank, nearly had to stay there ! Bill with the spirit level. Rob looking like he was doing a frog impression.

A very busy day.